- VIEL is a trinational, hybrid exchange programme that allows students to exchange without spending an entire semester abroad. Find more information here: http://karlifi.org/course/view.php?id=40
The VIEL-team of the second round meets at University of Limerick in Ireland (July 2022)
- VIEL Round 5: Cooking event together with weike.e.V. in Mnarani, Kenya.
- Sponsored by Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
The closing event of VIEL round 1 at Pwani University in Kenya was a big success. (March 2022)
A cooperation between Ireland, Kenya and Germany
Karlifi Learning Plattform
Developing Team (2018)- Students in a course at the Faculty of Information Management and Media
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences VIEL round 3 ended with a big event at Pwani University in Kenya. (March 2023)
- Students of VIEL round 3 meeting each other live (March 2023)
VIEL-Team meets in Karlsruhe, Mai 2023
Students of VIEL Round 6 meeting in Karlsruhe, July 2024